It’s not the end, but the possible beginning of a new chapter!
It is very important to pay attention to this information, because every user has an important decision to make. There will be a big change and everyone who sticks with it now will reap the rewards of this transformation.The time for hesitation is over: “Progress doesn’t wait, it belongs to the brave!”
The next big milestone: ZOOM Call live with CEO Erich Ely
We are now entering the next phase, with details, plans and the next steps straight from the horse’s mouth. We look forward to announcing the TRILLANT Live Call very soon: The details already END OF THIS WEEK in the next newsletter!
It’s time to act, time for transformation, time for the future. Take the chance to be part of this milestone live!
With best regardsYour Trillant team
P.S.: Have you done your homework?
Now only those who are ready count. The first step: check your KYC data in the back office. Anyone who has not yet done this should do so urgently. No second step is possible before the KYC has been completed. If you don’t act now, you will fall by the wayside – it’s as simple as that.